This eBuilder Process allows a design team member to submit meeting minutes for design meetings as well as associated materials presented at the meeting. All meeting materials should be attached to the process.

  1. If this is the first time submitting meeting minutes on your project, check with your University PM to ensure project permissions are set correctly.
  2. Login to eBuilder
  3. Navigate to the project you'd like to submit minutes for at the top navigation menu by clicking Project > search for the project (by name or number) > select the project from the list
  4. Choose Processes on the left menu.
  5. Choose Start Process in the upper right of the page
  6. Choose Design Meeting Minutes (S&T) (DMM) from the list
  7. Add meeting date, a list of attendees, and the meeting minutes
    Note: meeting minutes can either be typed in on the screen or an attachment can be added in case your firm has a specific format that is preferred.
  8. Attach any additional meeting materials to the attachments tab at the top of the screen. All meeting materials should be included. You may add multiple attachments.
  9. Click Submit
  10. The minutes will be routed to the PM for approval. Once approved, they will be distributed to all design team members and campus stakeholders.